HCPCS Code Details - M1378

HCPCS Level II Code
Medical services
HCPCS Code M1378

Long description:
Documentation of medical reason(s) for not recommending a 10 year follow-up interval (e.g., inadequate prep, familial or personal history of colonic polyps, patient had no adenoma and age is >= 66 years old, or life expectancy < 10 years, other medical reasons)

Short description:
Med rsn no 10 yr fu colscope

HCPCS Modifier1
HCPCS Pricing indicator 00 - Physician Fee Schedule And Non-Physician Practitioners - Service not separately priced by part B (e.g., services not covered, bundled, used by Part A only, etc.)
Multiple pricing indicator 9 - Not applicable as HCPCS not priced separately by part B or value is not established
Coverage code C - Carrier judgment
BETOS2 code Z2 - Undefined codes
HCPCS Action code A - Add procedure or modifier code
Type of service 1 - Medical care
Effective date Effective Jan 01, 2025
Date added Added Jan 01, 2025
HCPCS Coding Procedures

HCPCS Modifiers

In HCPCS Level II, modifiers are composed of two alpha or alphanumeric characters.

Example: E0260-NU - Hospital bed, semi-electric (head and foot adjustment), with any type side rails, with mattress
NU” identifies the hospital bed as new equipment

See also

  • HCPCS M1377 · Recommended follow-up interval for repeat colonoscopy of 10 years documented in colonoscopy report and communicated with patient

  • HCPCS G0028 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for tobacco use (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reason)

  • HCPCS G2093 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not prescribing ace inhibitor or arb or arni therapy (e.g., hypotensive patients who are at immediate risk of cardiogenic shock, hospitalized patients who have experienced marked azotemia, allergy, intolerance, other medical reasons)

  • HCPCS G2128 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not on a daily aspirin or other antiplatelet (e.g. history of gastrointestinal bleed, intra-cranial bleed, blood disorders, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (itp), gastric bypass or documentation of active anticoagulant use during the measurement period)

  • HCPCS G2149 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not using multimodal pain management (e.g., allergy to multiple classes of analgesics, intubated patient, hepatic failure, patient reports no pain during pacu stay, other medical reason(s))

  • HCPCS G2198 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reasons)

  • HCPCS G2201 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not providing brief counseling (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reasons)

  • HCPCS G2203 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not providing brief counseling if identified as an unhealthy alcohol user (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reasons)

  • HCPCS G8705 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ecg)

  • HCPCS G8722 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not including the pt category, the pn category or the histologic grade in the pathology report (e.g., re-excision without residual tumor; non-carcinomasanal canal)

  • HCPCS G8768 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing lipid profile (e.g., patients with palliative goals or for whom treatment of hypertension with standard treatment goals is not clinically appropriate)

  • HCPCS G8772 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing urine protein test (e.g., patients with palliative goals or for whom treatment of hypertension with standard treatment goals is not cllinically appropriate)

  • HCPCS G8775 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing serum creatinine test (e.g., patients with palliative goals or for whom treatment of hypertension with standard treatment goals is not clinically appropriate)

  • HCPCS G8778 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not performing diabetes screening test (e.g., patients with a diagnosis of diabetes, or with palliative goals or for whom treatment of hypertension with standard treatment goals is not clinically appropriate)

  • HCPCS G8781 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for patient not receiving counseling for diet and physical activity (e.g., patients with palliative goals or for whom treatment of hypertension with standard treatment goals is not clinically appropriate)

  • HCPCS G8865 · Documentation of medical reason(s) for not administering or previously receiving pneumococcal vaccine (e.g., patient allergic reaction, potential adverse drug reaction)

  • HCPCS M1379 · A 10 year follow-up interval for colonoscopy not recommended, reason not otherwise specified

1 Two-digit numeric codes are Level I code modifiers copyrighted© by the American Medical Association's Current Procedural Terminology (CPT).

2 BETOS stands for “Berenson-Eggers Type Of Service”