Transportation Services Including Ambulance, Medical & Surgical Supplies
B CodesEnteral and Parenteral Therapy
C CodesTemporary Codes for Use with Outpatient Prospective Payment System
E CodesDurable Medical Equipment (DME)
G CodesProcedures/Professional Services (Temporary Codes)
H CodesAlcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Services / Rehabilitative Services
J CodesDrugs administered other than oral method, chemotherapy drugs
K CodesDurable Medical Equipment for Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)
L CodesOrthotic and Prosthetic Procedures, Devices
M CodesMedical services
P CodesPathology and Laboratory Services
Q CodesMiscellaneous Services (Temporary Codes)
R CodesDiagnostic Radiology Services
S CodesCommercial Payers (Temporary Codes)
T CodesEstablished for State Medical Agencies
U CodesCodes for Coronavirus Lab Tests
V CodesVision, Hearing and Speech-Language Pathology Services
CMS has developed Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes that can be used by laboratories to bill for certain COVID-19 diagnostic tests to help increase testing and track new cases.